Marsupials in size of a rat (16-20 cm)
It lives in the south – and Central America. Can reach a age of 7 – 10 years.
The male is a little bigger than the female, has to be kept separately or
else they are going to fight with each other. They should only be together
during reproduction.
In time of reproduction the male is being put beside the female for 10 – 14
days however the male is being removed afterwards or else you risk the male
is going to be eaten by the female when she gets pregnant because she gets
more aggressive towards other opossums.
The baby’s are born undeveloped and are hanging on the females nipples.
The female is usually staying in the hide box for a month and only comes out
to eat. After a month the baby’s begin to crawl around on its own feet.
And hangs on the mother when she leaves the hide box.
The baby’s can be taken from their mother when they are about nine weeks old
and reach sexual maturity at 4 ˝ month old. The baby’s can be given kitten
Short after the baby’s are taken from their mother. They need to be split up
or else they start fighting.
The terrarium for one must be at least 250 l or larger.
They like to climb and therefore need a very high terrarium with more than
one hide box.
When the male are introduced to the female there should also be a hide box
for him.
Substrate can be for ex. Wood shavings, sphagnum or saw dust. And for
nesting material straws and hay.
Food: Basic food is dry cat food, but must be offered a lot of insects such
as (crickets-grasshoppers -cockroaches) and a small amount of mealworms.
Mice can also be offered (pinkys and fuzzys) live as well as dead.
Have read many places the opossums eat a lot of fruit, but my animals seldom
eats it.
But I should be offered regularly most sweet fruits can be used.
Fresh water must always be available, they do have a tendency to mess up the
water so it must be changed daily!! A water bottle is preferred but they
need to learn to drink from it so they need a water bowl as well in the